worldline Direct
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Important notice
Our legacy integration methods, payment methods and features will remain available until December 31st 2025.

Worldline has come a long way. With its origins dating back to the late 1990s/early 2000s, we have developed a variety of features over the years.

With the advent of Direct, we have and keep developing key legacy features that have become cornerstones in our portfolio. However, the technological and age gap between legacy and Direct requires us to review some of these features.

Hence, in some cases, a specific legacy feature you are currently using will not be available for Direct.

However, as Direct is a highly adaptable product, there is always a Direct-specific solution for impacted legacy features. Replacing the legacy feature with the Direct product will be smooth and come with long-term support and overall improved performance.

Payment methods

Depending on the payment methods you are currently using or that you wish to use in the future, difference apply. 

Payment methods that will function without any changes

You can already start using the following payment methods using our Direct API:

Payment methods that require configuration updates

Some payment methods require extra configuration steps:

To activate PaypPal for Direct, follow the steps as described in the "Configure Merchant Portal" chapter in our Paypal guide.

To activate Przelewy24 / Postfinance Pay / Eps for Direct, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Back Office.
  2. Go to Go to Configuration > Payment methods.
  3. In "Selected payment methods", click on the "Edit" button for the payment method you want to configure. 
  4. Fill in the missing information in the subsequent screen. Click on "SUBMIT" to confirm.

Once activated for Direct, these payment methods will stop working on legacy. Activate them only when you are prepared to transition to Direct. To exclude them on legacy, use the parameter "EXCLPMLIST" (example: EXCLPMLIST=PayPal;Przelewy24;Eps;POSTFINANCEefinance).

Payment methods that are no longer supported but have a suitable replacement in Direct

Some payment methods are no longer supported as they have been replaced by newer options.

You can activate them in PREPROD (test) on your own. However, for PROD (live), contact the payment method provider to sign a contract and activate the payment method.

Legacy payment methods not supported by Direct

Alternatives for Direct

KBC Online
Belfius Direct Net
Bank Transfer DE / BE / FR / NL / IT
ING Banking button
CBC Online

Direct Debit
Direct Debits NL
Direct Debits DE

Direct eBanking DE

FacilyPay 3x
FacilyPay 4x



Banque Casino 4x

Payment methods that are no longer supported without replacement

Some payment methods are no longer supported and do not have any replacements:

  • Pass ES
  • Visa purchasing card
  • Direct eBanking AT
  • American Express CPC
  • Direct eBanking
  • Open Invoice NL
  • PaySafeCard
  • Direct eBanking BE
  • Direct eBanking CH
  • AirPlus
  • MasterCard pc cm cic
  • FashionCheque
  • Atu
  • Direct eBanking NL
  • Direct eBanking FR
  • GiroPay
  • Ikano
  • Direct eBanking IT

    Other features

    Have a look at the table to know which Direct feature applies to you:

    Subscription manager

    Merchant e-Mail notification


    Unlike legacy, our platform does not send e-Mail notifications for Direct transaction status updates.

    Use Webhooks to receive notifications about transactions status updates. Based on the result, implement a mechanism in your server to send e-Mails to your inbox. This will allow you to customise the content, timing and selecting the status updates for which you want to send e-Mails.

    Customer e-Mail notification


    Unlike legacy, our platform does not send e-Mail notifications for processed Direct orders.

    Use Webhooks to receive notifications about the status of processed orders. Based on the result, implement a mechanism in your server to send e-Mails to your customers. This will allow you to customise the content, timing and selecting the status updates for which you want to send e-Mails.

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