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If you or one of your colleagues have lost your password for our test/production environment, you can get a new one by yourself anytime, without being dependent on our support!

Are you using the Back Office?

You can reset passwords for you and other users/accounts there as well. Learn here how to do it.

Mind that the Back Office and the Merchant Portal are separate entities. Therefore, passwords configured in the Back Office do not work for the Merchant Portal (and vice versa). This also applies to the user management.

If you need to reconfigure the two-factor authentication feature for you or a different user, refer to the dedicated chapter in our User Manager guide

Reset lost or current password

To recover your lost password or change your current one, follow these steps:

  1. Go to either the Login TEST / Login LIVE. Click on "Forgot password?"
  2. Enter your e-mail address of your user profile and confirm
  3. Keep an eye on your e-mail inbox. Our system will send you an e-mail within a few moments. Click on the link in the e-mail leading to the Merchant Portal password reset page
  4. Set a new password and confirm it
  5. Go to the Login TEST / Login LIVE. Enter the new password. Your existing two-factor authentication setting remains unchanged

Reset password for other users

If you manage multiple users in the Merchant Portal, you can reset the passwords for them. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Login to either the User Manager TEST / LIVE
  2. Go to the Manage team tab. In the table listing all existing users, click on the "..." button in column "Status"
  3. Click on "Request new password". Our platform will send an e-mail to the user with further information and instructions. The user’s existing two-factor authentication setting remains unchanged

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