Migrate from Sips

Why migrate?
We strive to offer the best service possible for online transaction processing. Accordingly, our Sips solution has served you well for several decades. But to remain first class in this business, we are gradually shifting our efforts to our Direct solution.
Therefore, to ensure you remain on top of the game, we strongly recommend making the switch as well. This does involve some efforts on your side. But – you will be well rewarded, as Direct
- Guarantees full technical support from our operations team in the future.
- Follows a "mobile first" approach for all our features.
- Is continuously enhanced with new tools, payment methods and features.
- Implements a state-of-the-art REST API
Sips migration steps
So where do you start?
Your journey with Direct begins with these basic steps:
Creating a new test account from scratch
We will start by creating a new account from scratch. This will allow you to run both your Sips and Direct solution in parallel, so you can make the shift at your pacing.
Select your Direct integration method
This table will help you pick the right one. Follow the respective link to learn more about the integration method:
Sips Paypage |
Hosted Checkout PageRedirect your customers from your checkout page to our platform for entering sensitive payment data. |
Sips Hosted Fields |
Hosted Tokenization PageInclude an iFrame payment form hosted on our safe environment in your checkout page for entering sensitive payment data. |
Sips M2M |
Server-to-serverSend credit card data directly from your server to our platform. |
Sips inApp |
Mobile/Client IntegrationDevelop state-of-the-art mobile apps with our Client SDK. |
Sips Office Extranet |
New integration option
These is a Direct-specific feature and a key reason to migrate if you want easier integration methods.
Use our no-code solution to create payment links with just a few clicks.
Are you all set? Then let us explain how you can build your integration.
Start migration
Once you have chosen your Direct integration method(s), you can create the necessary infrastructure in your system. Direct offers various options to link your webshop software to our platform. Regardless of your current on your setup, either our plugins or Software Development Kits (SDKs) will prove highly useful and convenient:
Migrate through plugins
Migrate through SDKs
Create custom integrations
Next steps
Once you ready to go live, get started on the production environment (When your Direct integration is successfully completed in pre-production):
- Contact the Sips sales support by filling this form or send a mail to
a) Worldline Ecom France, please contact your referring Account Support Manager.
b) Worldline Ecom Belgium ecomsalesnl@worldline.com. - Sign & return your new Worldline contract.
- We will inform you upon activating your production account.
- Stop your Sips contract by sending an email to
a) For France: Please contact your referring Account Support Manager.
b) For Belgium: Customer-belgium@worldline.com