Oney 3x-4x

Oney 3x-4x is an instalment solution offered by the French acquirer Thunes.
All your customers from the SEPA can split a credit card payment into 3 or 4 instalments. Your customers enter some personal data and their credit card details on the Thunes portal during the initial transaction request. Thunes charges the credit card for the remaining instalments automatically.
The integration is very easy, as you only need to send some additional parameter along with your request.
Offer this payment method in a steadily expanding list of European countries!
Key benefits
- Low PCI requirements
- Easy integration
- Guaranteed payment
- Refunds are possible (Partial/multiple/full)
To use Oney 3x/4x for either in our test/live environment, follow these steps:
- Sign a contract with Thunes and receive activation credentials in return.
- Send the activation credentials (MID/password and possibly other credentials) to us.
- We do the necessary onboarding and provisioning check.
- We activate the payment method in your account.
Redirect your customers to the Thunes payment portal via our Hosted Checkout Page. Find a high level overview in the "Process flows" chapter.
Add the following properties to a standard CreateHostedCheckout request:
"order": {
"amountOfMoney": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"amount": 170000
"customer": {
"personalInformation": {
"name": {
"title": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Dupont",
"surname": "Jean"
"gender": "male",
"dateOfBirth": "19490917"
"billingAddress": {
"street": "bd de Rochechouart",
"houseNumber": "13",
"zip": "75009",
"city": "Paris",
"state": "Paris",
"countryCode": "FR"
"shippingAddress": {
"street": "bd de Rochechouart",
"houseNumber": "13",
"zip": "75009",
"city": "Paris",
"state": "Paris",
"countryCode": "FR"
"contactDetails": {
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "+330175757575"
"references": {
"merchantOrderId": "{{TIMESTAMP}}"
"shoppingCart": {
"items": [
"amountOfMoney": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"amount": 170000
"orderLineDetails": {
"productName": "ACME12",
"discountAmount": 0,
"lineAmountTotal": 170000,
"productCode": "ASO45",
"productPrice": 170000,
"productType": "Fashion",
"quantity": 1,
"taxAmount": 0,
"unit": "piece"
"hostedCheckoutSpecificInput": {
"locale": "fr_FR"
"redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput": {
"requiresApproval": true,
"paymentProductId": 5110,
Properties | Remarks |
order.customer |
If you do not send shippingAddress, your customers will have to provide this data on the Thunes portal. |
references |
- |
typeInformation.purchaseType |
- |
hostedCheckoutSpecificInput.locale |
- |
redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
requiresApproval: Set to "false" as this payment method allows only Direct Sale mode. paymentProductId: The numeric identifier of the payment method on our platform. Find this id in the "Overview" chapter. It instructs our platform to send your customers directly to the Thunes portal. If omitted, our platform sends your customers to the Hosted Checkout Page instead, allowing them to choose this or any other payment method that is active in your account. paymentOption: contains a value to indicate the transaction is split into 3 or 4 instalments. The values for are defined by you and Thunes. |
The PaymentOption is a specific value provided for you by Oney. It defines a specific redirection toward 3x or 4x payment methods.
Find detailed information about this object and its properties in our CreateHostedCheckoutAPI.
Contact Thunes to define a minimum/maximum amount limit per transaction.
List of available Oney brands
Brand | paymentProductId |
Oney 3x |
5111 |
Oney 4x | 5112 |
Process flows
- Your customers finalse an order in your shop and select Oney 3x-4x.
- You send this CreateHostedCheckout request to our platform.
- You redirect your customers via the redirectUrl to the Thunes portal. They confirm the order with their personal data.
- We receive the transaction result.
- We redirect your customer to your returnUrl
- You request the transaction result from our platform via GetHostedCheckout or receive the result via webhooks.
- If the transaction was successful, you can deliver the goods / services.
Refer to our Test cases for test data and detailed instructions.
Make sure to use the right endpoint and switch back to the live URL as soon as you have finished your tests.