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Target most up-to-date API base URL

We highly recommend targeting the most up-to-date API base URL when making requests to our platform. Using the latest API version ensures access to the latest features and enhancements.

To allow you a smooth transition, previous API base URLs remain available until further notice.

    Environments and endpoints

    For our production environment we also support datacenter specific endpoints. We have created two clusters across multiple datacenters.

    You can connect to two different environments each with their own characteristics: 

        1. Test environment 

        • Purpose: Test and finalise integration. 
        • URL: (Allgemeiner europäischer Endpunkt)
        • Characteristics:
          • Transactions have no financial impact. 
          • Setup is customisable according to your preferences. 
          • Full access to the test environment. 
          • Full support. 

          2. Production environment 

          • Purpose: Process live transactions. 
          • URL: (Allgemeiner europäischer Endpunkt)
          • Characteristics: 
            • Transactions have a financial impact. 
            • Setup is customisable according to your preferences. 
            • Full access to the live environment. 
            • Full support. 

            API versioning 

            To facilitate a smooth transition, previous API base URLs remain available for at least six more months. Our API versioning policy ensures compatibility and informs you about upcoming major changes. 

            • The major versions of our APIs are indicated in the URLs (e.g., v2). When a new major version is released, we continue to support the previous version for at least six months, running both APIs in parallel. 
            • Minor version updates are reported but do not result in a new version indicator in the API URLs. All minor updates are considered "backwards compatible." A new major version is issued only when changes are not "backwards compatible." 

            What are minor changes? 

            We consider an API change to be "minor" when it fits within our backwards compatibility specifications. Your server or client implementation developed against our APIs should be able to work with these changes happening over time, including: 

            • Addition of new API endpoints with new services (optional use).
            • Addition of new optional request parameters to existing API endpoints.
            • Addition of new fields to existing API responses or to objects in existing API responses. 
            • Reordering of fields in API responses.
            • Fields marked as required in the request can be made optional.
            • Increase or decrease of the size and internal format of identifiers (within specified limits). 

            Ensure your implementation can adapt to these changes, as they can occur without prior notification. 

            Upcoming major API updates 

            When we plan a major API release, we will announce that in this document. Major releases will result in a new version indicator in the API endpoint URLs. 

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