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Learn more about the basics of 3-D Secure/SCA and how to implement it in our dedicated guides.

To help you keep track of your transactions and their 3-D Secure status, it is important to differentiate between a transactions': 

  • 3-D Secure status: The result of the authentication check provided by your customer’s issuer. We return this result in property paymentOutput.cardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput.threeDSecureResults.eci in GetPayment/GetPaymentDetails requests.
  • Global transaction status: The result of the authorisation request provided by your acquirer for the gross amount (as defined in your CreatePayment/CreateHostedCheckout request in property order.amountOfMoney.amount). We return this result in property statusOutput.statusCode. Learn more about the global transaction status and all possible outcomes.

The table below gives you a full overview of possible scenarios and how our platform displays them to you:

3-D Secure status GetPayment/GetPaymentDetails
in property eci
Transaction status GetPayment/GetPaymentDetails
in property statusCode
5 Depending on the authorisation result by your acquirer either:
2= declined
5= authorized
9= captured
Your customers have passed the authentication (via a challenge or frictionless flow). In case of fraudulent chargebacks, the issuer is liable.


Depending on the authorisation result by your acquirer either:
2= declined
5= authorized
9= captured
Your customers did not have the opportunity to perform the authentication check.
In case of fraudulent chargebacks, the issuer is liable.
91 2= declined Your customers did not pass the authentication check because of i.e. incorrect password/PIN. Our platform does not execute the authorisation step at all, abandoning the transaction.
92 2= declined Authentication was not possible due to a technical error.
Our platform does not execute the authorisation step at all, abondoning the transaction (statusCode=2).
9 Depending on the authorisation result by your acquirer either:
2= declined
5= authorized
9= captured
Your customers did not have to perform an authentication check. As the payment was a Merchant-Initiated-Transaction (MIT), 3-D Secure was not applicable
Check property paymentOutput.cardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput.threeDSecureResults.liability in GetPayment/GetPaymentDetails requests to learn about the liability shift for fraudulent transactions. Be aware that this is only an indication, as the definite accountability depends on various factors.

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