Bank Transfer by Worldline

In pilotBank Transfer by Worldline is a European online banking system, allowing your customers to transfer funds directly from their bank accounts to yours via the SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) scheme.
Unlike other (local) online banking payment systems (i.e. iDEAL/Przelewy24), Bank Transfer by Worldline is a pan European solution. A continuously growing network, it covers currently
- 2500 issuing banks
- 14 European countries
- Four currencies
Thus, Bank Transfer by Worldline is a highly accessible payment method for your customers all over Europe. As a licensed Payment Initiation Service (PIS), you can choose to offer your customers standard or instant transfers, enabling you to receive your funds within 2 business days or in real-time respectively.
You redirect your customers to their online bank where they log in to their online bank account. They authenticate the bank transfer for which you receive an immediate (for instant transfers)/intermediate (for standard transfers) result.
The integration is very easy, as you need to send only one parameter along with your request.
Bank Transfer by Worldline is licensed by Worldline Financial Services (Europe) S.A. regulated in Luxembourg according to the European Union’s Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2).
Key benefits
- Low PCI requirements (no sensitive or personal data shared)
- Increasingly popular pan European online banking solution
- Allows receiving funds in real-time (via instant transfer mode)
- Fast settlement cycle/reconciliation in real-time
- Allows partial/multiple/full refunds
- Interchange-free transaction pricing
To use Bank Transfer by Worldline in our live environment, sign a contract with Worldline Financial Services (Europe) S.A. We will be happy to get you started.
We offer this payment methods for the following integration modes. Learn in our dedicated guides about their individual differences:
Find a high level overview in the "Process flows" chapter.
Hosted Checkout Page/Server-to-server
Add the following properties to a standard CreateHostedCheckout/CreatePayment request:
Properties | Remarks |
order.amountOfMoney |
amount: The gross amount you want to charge for this order. |
order.references.descriptor |
A dynamic descriptor appearing on your customers' bank statement. Although not mandatory, we strongly recommend adding it to your order for maximum transparency. |
redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
paymentProductId: The numeric identifier of the payment method on our platform. Find this id in the "Overview" chapter. For payments requested via CreateHostedCheckout, it instructs our platform to send your customers directly to the bank selection page. If omitted, our platform sends your customers to the Hosted Checkout Page instead, allowing them to choose this or any other payment method that is active in your account. returnUrl: The URL we redirect your customers to after the payment has been finalised. |
paymentProduct5408SpecificInput.instantPaymentOnly |
Define whether you want to process this transaction as an instant payment. |
Find detailed information about this object and its properties in our CreateHostedCheckoutAPI/CreatePaymentAPI.
Process flows
- Your customers finalise an order in your shop and select Bank Transfer by Worldline.
- You send this CreateHostedCheckout/CreatePayment request to our platform.
- You redirect your customers via the redirectUrl (For CreateHostedCheckout requests) or merchantAction.redirectData.redirectURL (For CreatePayment requests) to the bank selection page. They select their bank and login to their online banking account and confirm the payment.
- We send the transaction for processing and receive the intermediate transaction result (statusOutput.statusCode=46) from the issuer.
- We redirect your customer to your returnUrl.
- You request the intermediate transaction result (statusOutput.statusCode=46) from our platform via GetPaymentDetails/GetHostedCheckout or receive the result via webhooks.
- After a few minutes, we update the transaction to statusOutput.statusCode=4.
- Your customers' issuing bank transfers the funds to you via either a standard (within 1-2 days) or instant transfer (within a few minutes). We update the transaction to statusOutput.statusCode=9.
- You request the final transaction result from our platform via GetPaymentDetails/GetHostedCheckout or receive the result via webhooks.
- If the transaction was successful, you can deliver the goods / services.
- You can choose to accept only instant transfers once we have activated the payment method. To do so, set the "Instant payment flow" flag in the Merchant Portal via Business > Bank Transfer by Worldline. Mind that not all issuing banks offer this option and might impose additional fees to your customers. This might reduce the availability and appeal of Bank Transfer by Worldline. You can override the Merchant Portal setting for individual transactions by including paymentProduct5408SpecificInput.instantPaymentOnly in your request.
- For unsuccessful payment flows for declined transactions/timeouts/abandoned carts, you will receive statusOutput.statusCode=2 as the final result. Depending on the transfer mode, different notification periods apply:
Standard transfers: Up to 96 hours
Instant transfers: 20 minutes
Refer to our Test cases for test data and detailed instructions.
Make sure to use the right endpoint and switch back to the live URL as soon as you have finished your tests.