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As Intersolve offer various brands, multiple paymentProductId exist. Find all possible values in the Integration chapter.

A gift card is a very popular payment method for both customers and merchants. As a popular incentive for employers and gift occasions between family members, many retailers of all sizes offer their own branded cards for safe and easy purchases.

Recent developments have shown have their appeal is growing continously: The gift card market share has increased by 7.9% during 2014-2018 and is expected to grow further at a rate of 3.6% until 2023 according to the report of NL gift cards market.

Therefore, we are happy to offer Intersolve in our payment product portfolio.
With more than 90 different gift cards and e-vouchers and a highly developed network of retail partners, Intersolve offers you a unique, flexible solution to process payments for the B2B and C2B market in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Your customers can combine several cards for a single purchase and even use credit cards, Bancontact or iDeal to complete the amount.


Payment group:
Payment product id:
Key benefits
  • Low PCI requirements (no sensitive or personal data shared)
  • Easy integration
  • Complementary payments
  • Full refunds are possible (14 days after the initial payment)

Countries & currencies

Supported countries

Supported currencies

  • Euro (EUR)


Process transactions via our Hosted Checkout Page. Find a high level overview in the "Process flows" chapter.

Add the following properties to a standard CreateHostedCheckout request:

      "paymentProductId": 5700
Properties Remarks


authorizationMode: Set to "false" as this payment method allows only Direct Sale mode.

paymentProductId: The numeric identifier of the payment method on our platform. Find this id in the list below. It instructs our platform to send your customers directly to the Intersolve-branded version of our Hosted Checkout Page. If omitted, our platform sends your customers to the Hosted Checkout Page instead, allowing them to choose this or any other payment method that is active in your account.


returnUrl : The URL we redirect your customers to after the payment has been finalised.

Find detailed information about this object and its properties in our CreateHostedCheckoutAPI.

  • You can define a time-out for Intersolve payments using property hostedCheckoutSpecificInput.SessionTimout. The default value is 3hrs. Once the time limit has expired before your customers have finalised the payment, our platform automatically processes a full refund.
  • According to the European Anti-Money-Laundering Directive (ALM5), the maximum allowed amount for open loop gift card (a gift card from issuer that several independent (online) merchants/retailers accept for purchases) transactions is 250€.
  • No action from your side is required to ensure you comply to this rule.
  • The following message is displayed on the payment page after your customers select this payment method and enters a gift card number that is affected by this regulation: "Because of regulatory reasons, the charge of your gift card is limited to 250 EUR per purchase, please use your bank card to cover the remaining amount for your purchase".
  • As usual, your customers will then pay any remaining amount not covered by the gift card with their credit card as before.

List of available Intersolve gift cards/e-vouchers

Brand paymentProductId
Intersolve 5700
Aktiesport e-gift card 5701
Aktiesport 5702
ANWB 5703
Babygiftcard 5704
Bartsmit 5705
BCC Cadeaukaart 5706
Beauty & Parfum Cadeau 5707
Beauty X Giftcard 5708
Bebsy Cadeaukaart 5709
Bedrijfsfietspas 5710
Bloemen Cadeau 5711
Boekenbon 5712
Bruna 5713
Cadeaukaart 5714
Cadeaukaart Morres Wonen 5715
Cadeaupas 5716
Cast Iron 5717
Center Parcs 5718
CookandCo 5719
CoolCat 5720
Dagje Uit 5721
DE cadeaukaart 5722
Duifhuizen 5723
E-Bon 5724
Entertainment Card 5725
EYE 5726
FatboyGiftcard 5727
Fijncadeau 5728
Fletcher 5729
Freerecordshop 5730
Gall & Gall Kadokaart 5731
Gelrepas 5732
GRAPY 5733
Hema 5734
Huis&Tuin Cadeau 5735
Intertoys Giftcard 5736
Jewelcard 5737
Just Brands 5738
KCultuur Cadeaukaart 5739
Kelly Giftcard 5740
Keuze cadeaukaart 5741
KidsCadeau 5742
Klus Cadeau 5743
Koffiecadeaukaart 5744
Landal Giftcard 5745
Leen Bakker cadeaukaart 5746
LeenBakker 5747
Librijewinkel cadeaukaart 5748
Lief Cadeaukaart 5749
Loods 5 Cadeaupas 5750
Loods 5 Tegoedpas 5751
Maxitoys Giftcard 5752
mrticket 5753
Musical Card 5754
Nationale Bioscoopbon 5755
Nationale Bloemenbon 5756
Nationale Erotiekbon 5757
Onlyformen 5758
Perrysport 5759
PME Legend 5760
Podium 5761
PSV Giftcard 5762
Reis Cadeau 5763
Restaurant Cadeau card 5764
Sandton Gastro Genieten 5765
Sandton Giftcard 5766
Sandton High Tea 5767
Sandton Lekker Weg 5768
Sandton Weekendje Weg 5769
Sanoma Prepaid 5770
Score 5771
Sodexo Sport & Culture 5772
Sport & Fit Cadeau 5773
THE SUB giftcard 5774
ToysXL 5775
Travel Troef 5776
Van Eyck Sport Giftcard 5777
VanderValkcadeaucard 5778
Vanguard 5779
VD 5780
Verleidingsbon 5781
VoetbalKadoCard 5782
Voetbalshopkadocard 5783
VVV Giftcard 5784
VVV Lekkerweg cadeaukaart 5785
Webshopgiftcard 5786
Wellness & Beauty Cadeau 5787
Wensbon 5788
Wrapp 5789
XENOS 5790
YourGift 5791
Wensbon 5788
Wrapp 5789
XENOS 5790
YourGift 5791
SnowWorld 5792
Beeksebergen 5793
CultPlus 5794
Parfuma 5795
CoolKunstenCultuur 5796
Dordtpas 5797
Kids or Teens Cadeau 5798
De Lokale cadeaukaart 5799

Process flows

  1. Your customers finalise an order in your shop and select Intersolve or any other of the available Intersolve brands.
  2. You send this CreateHostedCheckout request to our platform.
  3. You redirect your customers via the redirectUrl to the our Hosted Checkout Page. Your customers enter their gift card/e-voucher card number and pin to confirm the order
    3'. (Optional): If the available or allowed charge on the gift card does not cover the full amount of the order, your customers need to pay the remaining amount either by using an additional gift card/e-voucher, credit card, iDEAL or Bancontact directly on our Hosted Checkout Page.

    The transaction remains in status="AUTHORIZATION_REQUESTED"/ statusOutput.statusCode=55 until completion. Once completed, it will reach statusOutput.statusCode=9

    If your customers do not finalise the complementary payment for whatever reason, our platform will automatically perform a full refund.

  4. Our platform receives the transaction result in real-time.
  5. We redirect your customer to your returnUrl
  6. You request the transaction result from our platform via GetHostedCheckout or receive the result via webhooks.
  7. If the transaction was successful, you can deliver the goods / service.
  • Our platform allows you to perform full refunds 14 days after the initial payment.
  • Refunds for complementary payments via iDEAL or Bancontact are only possible with our Collect/Full Service model.


Refer to our Test cases for test data and detailed instructions.

Make sure to use the right endpoint and switch back to the live URL as soon as you have finished your tests.

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